Sunday, February 3, 2008

Arizona has some redeeming moments...

As desperately as Scott and I have attempted to make the move to Spokane lately (which fell through, but we're not giving up forever!) I had forgotten that there are some good things about living in Arizona. Today was a day that reminded me--after going to lunch with a friend, we came back home and sat outside in my backyard to continue visiting. We had sweatsirts on, but it was sunny and beautiful. In fact, we were warm enough to take off our sweatshirts by the time we came inside! It was gorgeous; I have long said living here is almost worth it in February (as long as I refrain from looking ahead to how miserable it will be in May, June, July, August and September). It is a month for picnics and trips to the zoo and the arboretum; this is when a hike in the desert is beautiful, not sweltering. And isn't there just something refreshing and invigorating about being out in fresh air and sunshine? As much as I'd like to move to Spokane one day, today I don't envy my friends their mutiple feet of snow.

1 comment:

Randi said...

Very Nice! I can't wait to read your children write so descriptive that it's hysterical! I am glad you are here for a little longer too, hey and anytime you want the hike, I am ALL for that!! Love you!