Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ow, ow, ow!

I am in pain!!! I went to the gym yesterday, and I had to go to Power Sculpt instead of kickboxing, and I am in so much pain today! I'm telling you, almost every muscle in my body is sore--it even hurt to yawn this morning (neck pain from all the crunches). I've been limping, stiff-legged all day, and I cannot bend over. I've been making the kids pick up anything I need on the floor. It has not helped a bit that the kids pulled all the towels and sheets out of the linen closet AGAIN; I absolutely refused to sit down on the floor to refold it all, because I wasn't sure I'd be able to get back up. Poor Scott--the house was a disaster when he got home today, I was simply not going to try too hard to clean in my current condition.

We also had quite the rebellion from Gabrielle tonight. It began slowly, with "no"s here and there, then finally built up to a screaming temper tantrum, with flat out refusals to go in the bathroom and get her teeth brushed. Original sin, cropping up right on schedule! It helped that there were two of us here--I think I handled it better than I would have if I'd been alone. Sometimes it helps me keep my cool just to have Scott in the house--knowing that I can hand it over to him if I need to.

1 comment:

Becky Avella said...

Hi Kimberly,
I really enjoyed meeting you over Christmas vacation and was so excited to find your blog. It will be fun to be able to keep updated on your family.

I'm really interested in your search for a new church. We have been "plugged in" to ours for almost ten years now, and although we love so much about it, we are never really sure we are in the right place. The "Lutheran Tradition" church you wrote about sounds really interesting. I miss some of the traditional aspects of worship that are missing from our church. Can't wait to read more!

<>< Becky (Abshire) Avella