Monday, February 18, 2008

The Start of a New Week--Thank You, Lord!

I am so grateful to be starting a new week--last week was awful! Would you believe it took 6 days for my body to feel normal again after that workout? I have learned a lesson about jumping back in to using weights--it is not worth it to push myself too hard. And because I could hardly move, I couldn't go to the gym each morning, which meant I wasn't getting out of the house each day (much needed in the life of a stay-at-home Mom), and my kids weren't getting out of the house either. They are little monsters when they have too much time on their hands. Between their idleness and my frustration, it was not a good week. Add to that some emotional whackiness and spiritual attack on Valentine's Day (I really do think that's what it was--I'm usually kind of skeptical about that, but I'm believing it now) and I was so ready for the weekend, when I could have my husband around and get some help with the kids.

So it's a new week, and I can walk again and make it back to the gym, where I will TAKE IT EASY. Unfortunately, I have to kick off the week by taking Gabrielle to the dentist (she hates it as soon as she goes through the waiting room door, because it's noisy and she's very sensitive to loud sounds.) I am grateful to You, God, for the chance to start over this week.

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