Monday, February 18, 2008

The Latest Church Visit

Well, I got to go visit the "Lutheran heritage" church this weekend--and I actually liked it, enough to persuade Scott we should go try it as a family. I won't say it was perfect--I was there for about ten minutes before anyone welcomed me as a newcomer--keep in mind, this was a small church where everybody knew each other. So, not the most welcoming church I've visited. I finally had to plant myself in the foyer and look as out of place as I could, and finally a woman (who turned out to be in charge of the "First Impressions" ministry--how apropos) introduced herself. She got me in touch with a very friendly woman who took me around the children's ministry area. One bummer--the nursery is for kids birth-age 4! So Gabrielle won't have an actual lesson there until September; I'm glad we're still participating in MOPS where she'll still get a lesson.

Anyway, the worship was good, not fantastic, but good, and I enjoyed the responsive reading we did. The ministry of the Spirit was strong there, and the preaching was powerful--Biblical, focused, and organized! The service lasted two hours long; I'd rather like to know if that was the norm. I met with the pastor after service, and I was impressed with him. He answered my questions honestly, and impressed me as a man who is authentic, humble, and very open to people asking real questions--the kind of questions we sometimes get chastised for asking, because they seem inappopriate or irreverent. I still don't know if it will be a perfect fit--his position on women in ministry might be an issue down the road--but it's definitely worth going back to again.

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