I must recommend a book I am reading right now--it is called Child Training Tips, by Reb Bradley, who is a pastor. His website, http://www.familyministries.com/, has many useful materials on raising strong families, and I especially think his audio series on Family-Strengthening Churches is very compelling, and good listening for anyone serving in church leadership. But most of all, every parent should read Child Training Tips! Shepherding a Child's Heart, by Ted Tripp, is good, but I think its value lies mostly in his discussion of the parent's responsibility to disciple his/her child. I also enjoyed The Strong-Willed Child, by James Dobson, but Bradley's book is even better, because of the approach he takes to explain the reason for this parenting method, as well as his use of numerous
examples so that you can fully understand how your child's behavior require correction (things that many of us let our kids get away with). The book can be purchased through Bradley's website, although I don't think it is set up for online ordering--you have to fill out the form and send it by mail. I bought my copy through a website called http://www.homeschooloasis.com/ --they do sell books online, and are very efficient and quick about shipping. (If you're at all interested in homeschooling, I'd encourage you
to peruse this website thoroughly.)

1 comment:
If you ever read Christian fiction, like the Narnia Chronicles, may I suggest a title to try? "Outcasts of Skagaray" by Andrew Clarke. For a preview, there are excerpts on www.threeswans.com.au. There is also an author review in the online magazine, SORMAG and other reviews on line. See what you think!
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