Thursday, February 21, 2008

Poor Little Andrew

My little guy is sick today...I'm glad he's sleeping for now, though, since he hardly slept at all last night. (Seriously, he was crying at 2, and again when Scott got up at 5 am!) He's due to have minor surgery on Monday (a frenulectomy--google it if you're curious) and that's a prayer request in and of itself, but if he's still sick on Sunday, we may have to postpone the surgery again (we've already had to once before.) While I'm nervous about my boy going under anesthesia, I'd rather not put this off again. His condition can inhibit speech development, and he's in the crucial stage for that.

Gabrielle has continued to challenge me today, which is doubly difficult when I'm dealing with a sick boy who wants to be held all the time, but she's doing well now--because she's zoning out if front of the tv! On sick days both my kids get more tv than usual. Hey, sometimes you do what you've got to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize Andrew had a short frenulum! Kenzi has one too (made nursing a little tough at first) but not so bad that it's needed surgery. We'll pray for your little boy to be well enough to get this taken care of.